Writing Ideas for a Nelson Mandela Essay
Considering that he was world renowned and nearly universally adored, the late, great, South African leader, Nelson Mandela can be an extremely intimidating essay subject. It is no wonder that you are seeking help and advice on your Nelson Mandela Essay. Luckily, you have come to the right place. We will gladly assist you in getting started with your Nelson Mandela research paper. In this blog, you will find a few tips on getting started, some essay topic ideas, and other great information. We sincerely hope that the information we provide here will help you write an essay on Nelson Mandela. After all, such a heroic individual deserves to have quality papers written about him, doesn't he? Let's get started!
Prewriting Suggestions and Exercises
Nelson Mandela essays are similar to most other papers in that the best way to begin is to perform a few prewriting exercises before beginning the first draft. Try sitting down with your reference material, and writing a list of facts, personal attributes, and events that you have learned related to Nelson Mandela. If it works for you to make a bulleted list, or to put your thoughts in some other order, that is perfectly fine. The idea is to get everything you know on the subject onto paper. You will use this later on, when you begin narrowing down your topic ideas. This will also help you to determine which of your sources you will be using.
Essay Topic Ideas and Writing Prompts
- Many essays on Nelson Mandela focus on his time in prison or his leadership in South Africa after the end of Apartheid. Consider writing an essay about Nelson Mandela's early years as he participated in efforts to end apartheid.
- Do you think Nelson Mandela will be remembered as fondly in 100 years as he is now?
- What were Nelson Mandela's top three accomplishments?
- Watch a film about the life of Nelson Mandela, and write a critique or review of that film.
- Many people regard Nelson Mandela as the greatest figure of the 20th century. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- Write a Nelson Mandela hero essay. How does he meet your definition of a hero? How would you convince others that he is a hero?
- Construct a short essay on Nelson Mandela. Make it your goal to convince your readers to go out and learn more about Nelson Mandela.
- Although he did not die in captivity, Nelson Mandela is regarded by many as a martyr for his cause. Argue whether or not this is an accurate statement.
Writing the Introduction and Thesis Statement
Hopefully, now that you have done your prewriting and read through ideas for Nelson Mandela essay topics, you have an idea for your Nelson Mandela essay thesis. Now is a good time to refer back to the notes you took while prewriting. You should, at this point, be ready to write out your thesis statement. Remember that this statement must declare to your readers your thoughts on Nelson Mandela, and what you aim to prove or disprove in your essay. After you have constructed your thesis statement, you are ready to write the rest of your Nelson Mandela essay introduction.
Writing the Rest of Your Mandela Essay
All that is left is the following:
- Completing the introductory paragraph
- Writing the body paragraphs and the conclusion
- Editing the rough draft
- Creating the works cited page, bibliography, or inline citations
- Thinking of a title and creating a title page
- formatting the essay according to the required citation format
- Waiting for instructor feedback
If that seems like a lot of work, it is. If you don't have the time, don't worry! SmartCustomWriting.org has the time and the resources to write essays about Nelson Mandela and other important figures!