April 28, 2015
With the rare exception of a few outlines, technology impacts nearly every member of society. In fact, technology may be the single unifying factor beyond our own humanity that each of us has in common.
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April 21, 2015
Considering that he was world renowned and nearly universally adored, the late, great, South African leader, Nelson Mandela can be an extremely intimidating essay subject.
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April 14, 2015
As you progress through school, you will be expected to explore and describe your future plans. For many students, this means exploring various career options, and ultimately deciding which careers they would like to pursue.
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April 07, 2015
Love is actually a very common topic used in essay writing. After all, love and personal relationships impact each of us very deeply. You will encounter the topic of love in many of your classes.
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March 30, 2015
At some point in time, nearly everybody who uses the internet for personal communications will be impacted by cyberbullying. The topic of cyberbullying is covered in many high school and college level classes.
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February 17, 2015
Here’s a common assignment: “Choose a topic from anything we have studied this semester and prepare a 10-page research paper, using a minimum of 6 resources.” Sound familiar? Of course it does!
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February 17, 2015
Unlike the way things were in high school, college students are often permitted to select their own topics for research papers. Of course, depending on the class, that selection might be limited.
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February 17, 2015
In case anybody reading isn't aware, the common application essay is part of what is known as the common application. Here is how it works. As a potential college student, chances are that you are interested in applying to a variety of colleges.
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February 16, 2015
So, here you are in a new course, perhaps Behavioral Psychology. Why did you sign up for this course? Perhaps you are a criminal justice major who is interested in the backgrounds and mental/emotional states that result in criminal activity.
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February 16, 2015
Probably the first difficulty students run into when writing a cause and effect essay is separating what is cause and what is effect. This is quite understandable, as the lines between the two can be blurred quite easily.
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