A Literary Analysis Essay – An Adventure into the Unknown
You may not consider yourself a good writer. And you may actually dis-like literature as a rule. You don’t see value in reading what long-dead writers had to say, and here you are in a literature class that has nothing to do with your major. Now you have to write a literary analysis essay on a piece that you have read, and you are frustrated, maybe a bit resentful, but resigned to getting it done.
Typical Literary Analysis Essays
Generally, the type of assignment you will be given depends on the type of the literature you are asked to analyze:
- Works of Fiction: For longer works of fiction, such as a novel or play, you will usually be asked to examine only one aspect for an essay. You might be asked to provide a character analysis, or to discuss the themes or conflicts. For short stories, you may be asked to analyze more than one aspect of the work, but the process will be the same.
- Poetry: Remember, a poem is a writer’s attempt to make a profound statement of some sort in a very short space. No words are wasted in a poem, so your analysis will cover the point the author is making.
- Works of Non-Fiction: This writings are generally to press a point of view or an argument. When you are asked to analyze such a work, you will identify each of the points made by the author and comment on them, relative to validity, logic, factual accuracy, etc.
Elements of a Literary Analysis Essay – There are Only Two
Writing a literary analysis essay begins with an understanding of its two basic elements.
- Thesis: You will have to present a thesis statement in your introduction. So, how do you get a thesis? You get it by asking questions. If, for example, you are being asked to write a character analysis, you ask yourself what the words and actions of this character tell you about his/her personality. You then summarize those character traits into a thesis statement. Sydney Carton, in A Tale of Two Cities, for example, was a low-life drunk who redeemed himself by the end of the story, and sacrificed his life for another.
- Textual Evidence: Whatever your thesis may be, you must back it up with evidence from the book, article, short story or poem you have read. If Sydney Carton was a low-life drunk, find examples of his words and behaviors that prove that. During his redemption and character transformation, what words or actions demonstrated this?
The Literary Analysis Essay Outline
Once you have your thesis statement, and your contextual evidence, you are ready to construct your outline to give the sequence in which you will cover each point you are making. Start with the most important evidence first and work your way down in descending order. No you are ready to write your rough draft, revise and edit it, and type your final piece.
When in Doubt, Help Yourself
If you are unsure about how to structure your essay, get online and look at a literary analysis essay sample that matches the type of work you are to analyze. You will pick up some important pointers that you will model in your own piece.